
The SimRacing Tracker Frontend Configuration Process





In this step the database connection for the web server will be established. In the Web-directory is the subdirectory config where the config.php should be opened in an editor (e.g. Notepad, Notepad++, etc.). In the config.php the following parameters has to be set:

  • $db_server: contains URL (or IP) and port to the database server (e.g. localhost:3306)
  • $db_user: contains the database user
  • $db_password: contains the user password
  • $db_name: contains the database name
  • $mysqli_support
  • $isUTF8Encode: UTF8 encoding
  • $simulation
  • $default_language: will be used, if no language file for the browser language exists
  • $languages: more languages can be added (insert language file in lang)
  • $driverWeightsEnabled
  • $vehicleWeightsEnabled
  • $smallInfo: activate the small or big info box
  • $showHelp: activate help (only available if $smallInfo = false)
  • $vehicleCustomFilters: insert free definable vehicle class filters

Finally, the file can be saved and all subdirectories of the Web-directory and the index.php should be uploaded to the web server.
